coffee and a Bible

Would Abraham Have Gone Through With It? (Genesis 22:12)

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At the exact moment that Abraham is about to bring down the knife into his son Isaac to offer him as a sacrifice, God intervenes.

Why? Because God tells him in Genesis 22:12, “Now I know that you fear God, since you have not withheld your son, your only son, from me.”

At this statement, Abraham puts the knife down and takes his son off the alter. He looks to a nearby bush, finds a ram, and sacrifices that instead.

That’s how the story in Genesis 22 unfolds. But were it not for God’s interjection, do you think Abraham would’ve gone through with the sacrifice?

The Argument Against the Sacrifice

There are two sides to this coin, and I think both of them have an equal argument into the text.

For those who would make the claim that they don’t think Abraham would’ve killed Isaac, a lot of the belief centers around the nature of human sacrifice. This is clearly a sin elsewhere in the Bible (2 Kings 16:3) and is also one of the sins of the people in Canaan (Deuteronomy 12:30-32). How could God possibly command it of His own people?

Furthermore, Abraham states his belief that Isaac would return from the mountain. In Genesis 22:5, Abraham tells the men that travelled with them to stay, while he and the lad went further and “they” would return back to them.

It’s clear, at least from that one statement, that Abraham fully believed Isaac would come back with him. 

But does that insinuate that Abraham wouldn’t go through with the sacrifice?

The Argument For the Sacrifice

Count me as someone who fully believes that Abraham would’ve sacrificed Isaac unless God stopped him.

My reasoning for this is simple: God commends him for his willingness to do so. In Genesis 22:12, God tells Abraham that “now He knows” Abraham wouldn’t hold anything back from God — including his son.

From Hebrews 11:19, it’s clear that Abraham had faith in God’s ability to bring Isaac back to life. It’s very likely that this is why he told the people at the bottom of the mountain that “they” would come back. 

It’s also why he didn’t balk at the idea of sacrificing the very child that God said would become a great nation. After all, Isaac couldn’t become a great nation if he were dead. He had to believe in order to fulfill that promise.

All of this points to another aspect of God’s character that I think provides another perspective. If God stopped Abraham from sacrificing his son, under the belief that Abraham “wouldn’t hold anything back” from God, doesn’t that make Abraham’s sacrifice a type of Christ’s?

God knew that Abraham was willing to give everything to God, including his son, if that was what God required. Likewise, God knew that the only way to redeem His people was by offering His Son. 

And, like Abraham, Jesus was willing to make that sacrifice.

Jesus’ story of the Rich Man and Lazarus set in a modern day context.

Matt is a powerful hedge fund manager in New York City. Liam is a down-on-his-luck homeless man that spends his days watching everyone else pass him by. Their worlds are completely separate, until a tragic event leaves one person’s future in shambles, and the other finds the peace that they have sought after for so long.

“The Broker and the Bum” is a modern version of Jesus’ famous story from Luke 16, complete with all the same themes of the original. It’s a story of benevolence, greed, and the perils of ignoring those that God wants us to notice.

John Doe
The modern-day take on a well-known parable is extraordinary! Really brings this Bible teaching to life! Life-changing for me, and I will share it with others!