You Alone are Righteous (Genesis 7:1)

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As Christians, we’re used to standing alone.

God tells us that we are part of the “narrow road” (Matthew 7:14), and several Bible characters operated in isolation. Elijah’s prayer of despair comes to mind when I think of the latter (1 Kings 19).

But Noah was alone alone. He wasn’t just the only person in the near vicinity that was faithful to God — Genesis 7:1 records that God hadn’t found anyone else righteous “in that time.”

Noah Stood Alone

Just think about the implications of something like that. Literally every other human being on the planet failed to meet God’s standards for holiness. 

Job is lauded as being a man of great righteousness, but God doesn’t make that type of Noah-esque statement about him.

Abraham bargained with God that he could find ten righteous people inside Sodom, and he was unable to. But that still doesn’t mean that he couldn’t find anyone anywhere.

I think sometimes we feel like we’re along, but like God told Elijah, there are still 7,000 that haven’t “bowed the knee to Baal.” All we have to do is find them; hopefully, you find them when you come together for services (Hebrews 10:24-25).

Our Time Isn’t That Bad

This also has implications for us as Christians in today’s world. 

I’ve often heard it said that this world is continually growing worse by the moment. As I write this, the conflict between Israel and Hamas is still raging, Russia is still actively invading Ukraine, and a secular agenda is on the rise across America.

There’s no question that we’re living in evil times.

But can it be said about us that we are truly living in as wicked of a time as Noah? When no one else is righteous except him?

This statement should do two things. 

First, it should make us feel immensely sorry for Noah and the world that he lived in. I can’t imagine being surrounded by that much depravity on a constant, daily basis.

Second, it should also make us feel better about our own life. Yes, the times are evil. Yes, they will continue to do so.

But are they as bad as Noah’s? Most likely not. Take heart and have hope.

Jesus’ story of the Rich Man and Lazarus set in a modern day context.

Matt is a powerful hedge fund manager in New York City. Liam is a down-on-his-luck homeless man that spends his days watching everyone else pass him by. Their worlds are completely separate, until a tragic event leaves one person’s future in shambles, and the other finds the peace that they have sought after for so long.

“The Broker and the Bum” is a modern version of Jesus’ famous story from Luke 16, complete with all the same themes of the original. It’s a story of benevolence, greed, and the perils of ignoring those that God wants us to notice.

John Doe
The modern-day take on a well-known parable is extraordinary! Really brings this Bible teaching to life! Life-changing for me, and I will share it with others!